How it works

Our nationally recognised and accredited online courses have been created for anybody that is interested or is currently working within Health or Social Care. Fulbridge Training has been created to be simple and efficient for our users to discover, start and complete, all you do is set up an account which takes two minutes and this can be done on your smart phone, computer or tablet.

Our website is user friendly in design and easy to use, simply chose a course, create a profile and then you can start learning straight away.

Fulbridge on-line training allows users to learn at their own pace at a time and place that is convenient. Once you have a good understanding of the course content, you are ready to take the test.  When you take, and pass the course exam which is on a multiple-choice platform, you will receive an accredited certificate via email for you to print off for your portfolio or add to your CV. The passed certification will then be accessible via your profile at any time.